NOTE: Besides qwkie.toml, qwkie also uses archivers.toml and talisman.ini, it must be run from the bbs root directory.
qwkie.toml contains information for the qwk networking tool “Qwkie”.
name = "dovenet"
hostqwkid = "VERT"
ftpuser = "HAPPYLND"
ftphost = ""
ftpport = 21
password = "SECRET"
archiver = "zip"
tagline = "HappyLand v2.0 - telnet://"
network = "dovenet"
basenumber = 2001
msgbase = "dove/general"
network = "dovenet"
basenumber = 2008
msgbase = "dove/sysop"
network = "dovenet"
basenumber = 2010
msgbase = "dove/dovesysop"
The network Array
This array is a list of QWK networks.
- name A name for this network, used in the area array, and on the command line to refer to this network. Required
- hostqwkid The QWK id for your host.
- ftpuser The username you use to login your FTP host to fetch your QWK packet.
- ftphost The FTP host you connect to to fetch your QWK packet.
- ftpport The port your FTP host listens on for FTP connections (usually 21)
- password The FTP password used to login to your FTP host.
- archiver The Archiver to use for compressing reply packets.
- tagline The tagline for this network.
The area Array
This array is all the areas you receive.
- network The name of the network this area belongs to (as specified in the network array).
- basenumber The QWK id for this area.
- msgbase The Squish message base, relative to the message path in talisman.ini.
Qwkie Usage
Qwkie has three commands, scan, poll and toss.
Each command can optionally be postfixed with a network name, otherwise it will do the operation on all networks.
./qwkie scan dovenet
A nice script for a network which you can put in your events.toml:
cd /home/user/bbs
echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> logs/$NETWORK.log
echo `date` >> logs/$NETWORK.log
echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> logs/$NETWORK.log
./qwkie scan $NETWORK >> logs/$NETWORK.log 2>&1
./qwkie poll $NETWORK >> logs/$NETWORK.log 2>&1
./qwkie toss $NETWORK >> logs/$NETWORK.log 2>&1