talisman.ini exists in the bbs root directory. It contains information such as paths and basic system information.
Main Section
- hostname Your publicly visible hostname. (default: localhost)
- telnet port This is the port servo will listen for telnet connections on.
- ssh port This is the port servo will listen for ssh connections, optional.
- gopher port This is the port servo will listen for gopher connections, optional.
- binkp port This is the port servo will listen for binkp connections, optional.
- max nodes The total number of nodes you want to support.
- root menu This is the “main menu”, the first menu shown after login.
- sysop name This is the sysop’s username. It should match the username entered at login for the sysop.
- system name This is your BBS’s name.
- qwk id The QWK id of the system, up to 8 characters, UPPERCASE (default: TALISMAN)
- location Location of the BBS, used in QWK packets. (default: “Somewhere, The World”)
- new user sec level Initial security level of a new user (default: 10)
- new user feedback If a new user is required to leave feedback or not (true / false) (default: false)
- main aka Your main fidonet address (default: 0:0/0.0)
- input background The background colour of input prompts (default: red)
- Options:
- black
- red
- blue
- brown
- green
- cyan
- magenta
- white
- Options:
- input foreground The foreground colour of input prompts (default: bright white)
- Options:
- black
- red
- blue
- brown
- green
- cyan
- magenta
- white
- bright black
- bright red
- bright blue
- bright brown
- bright green
- bright cyan
- bright magenta
- bright white
- Options:
- Enable IPv6 Enable ipv6 support in servo, true or false. (default: false)
- IP Block Timeout The number of seconds since the first try to reset the counter (default: 300)
- IP Block Attempts The number of attempts that may occur in the timeout specified above, before a block occurs (default: 5)
- Windows Local Echo Whether Talisman will echo the screen on the local console, or just an empty console (speeds things up in some cases - no effect on linux) default: true
- New User Password The password required to sign up to the bbs, default: nothing (disabled)
Paths Section
- gfiles path Path to gfiles (ans/asc files).
- data path Path to data files and data bases.
- menu path Path to menu TOML files.
- message path Path to Squish message bases.
- temp path Path to a temporary directory, drop files are stored here
- log path Path to log file directory, logs placed in here.
- script path Path to lua scripts.
- netmail semaphore Path and filename of a semaphore to modify/create when a netmail is posted.
- echomail semaphore Path and filename of a semaphore to modify/create when a echomail is posted.
- external editor A script or batch file that launches the external editor (is passed a node number and on windows a socket handle also).
- gopher root The root directory served via gopher.