archivers.toml contains an array of archiver definitions.
name = "Zip"
extension = ".zip"
unarc = "/usr/bin/unzip -jLoq -d @OUTDIR@ @ARCHIVE@ @FILELIST@"
arc = "/usr/bin/zip -jkq @ARCHIVE@ @FILELIST@"
signature = "504b0304"
offset = 0
The Attributes
- name This is the name of the archiver as displayed to users. Required
- extension This is the extension archives of this type will be identified by requires the leading dot. Required
- unarc This is the command to decompress the archive, Required Macros include:
- @OUTDIR@ The directory to place the unarchived files.
- @ARCHIVE@ The archive name.
- @FILELIST@ The list of files to get from the archive.
- arc This is the command to compress the archive, Required Macros include:
- @ARCHIVE@ The archive name.
- @FILELIST@ The list of files to put in the archive.
- signature A signature to identify an archive Required for postie
- offset An integer offset of an archive to find the signature, negative from end of file, positive from start Required for postie