Download Talisman BBS

Windows Version 0.54

This version is compatible with 32Bit Windows systems. Download Windows version

Linux Version

The Linux version has two parts. One is the installation script which will grab a tarball of the latest source from the talisman-release repo on Gitlab. It will then install all dependencies and start to compile Talisman and all accompaning tools.

Once the compile has completed, it will prompt you to answer some basic questions about your BBS to get it setup. I have added teh script below for your viewing and you can find the script here

The source tarball is also in the same repo here

Installation Script

#!/bin/bash -e



echo -e "${YELLOW}This script will install Talisman into $(pwd)${NC}"

echo -e ""

read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any enter to continue. Ctrl-C to Abort"

echo -e ""
echo -e ""

echo -e "${YELLOW}Using SUDO to see if essentials are installed..${NC}"
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev lrzsz liblua5.3-dev libssh-dev wget libcurl4-openssl-dev

mkdir source
mkdir build
mkdir build/talisman
mkdir build/servo
mkdir build/toolbelt
mkdir build/postie
mkdir build/qwkie
mkdir build/falcon
mkdir build/binki
mkdir build/gofer
mkdir dloads
mkdir dloads/general
mkdir dloads/general/uploads
mkdir dloads/general/misc
mkdir scripts
mkdir scripts/data
mkdir data
mkdir menus
mkdir gfiles
mkdir msgs
mkdir logs
mkdir temp
mkdir gopher

cd source/

wget "${TALISMANURL}Talisman-${CURVERSION}-Source.tar.gz"

tar xzf Talisman-${CURVERSION}-Source.tar.gz

cd ../build/servo

cmake ../../source/talisman/Servo

cd ../../build/talisman
cmake ../../source/talisman/Talisman

cd ../../build/toolbelt
cmake ../../source/talisman/Toolbelt

cd ../../build/postie
cmake ../../source/talisman/Postie

cd ../../build/qwkie
cmake ../../source/talisman/Qwkie

cd ../../build/falcon
cmake ../../source/talisman/Falcon

cd ../../build/binki
cmake ../../source/talisman/Binki

cd ../../build/gofer
cmake ../../source/talisman/Gofer

cd ../../
ln -s build/servo/servo
ln -s build/talisman/talisman
ln -s build/toolbelt/toolbelt
ln -s build/postie/postie
ln -s build/qwkie/qwkie
ln -s build/falcon/falcon
ln -s build/binki/binki
ln -s build/gofer/gofer

cp -r source/talisman/Talisman/menus/* menus/
cp -r source/talisman/Talisman/gfiles/* gfiles/
cp -r source/talisman/Talisman/scripts/* scripts/
cp -r source/talisman/Talisman/data/* data/
cp source/talisman/Talisman/win32_deps/gophermap gopher/

echo -e "${PURPLE}Please enter your user handle:${NC}"
read -e handle

echo -e "${PURPLE}Please enter your bbs name:${NC}"
read -e bbsname

echo -e "${PURPLE}Please enter your location:${NC}"
read -e location

echo -e "${PURPLE}Please enter a QWK ID (8 chars max uppercase):${NC}"
read -e qwkid

echo -e "${PURPLE}Please enter your bbs hostname:${NC}"
read -e hostname

cat > talisman.ini << EOF
; Ports below 1024 require setcap on servo to enable binding.
telnet port = 2323
ssh port = 2222
; Gopher is disabled by default set to a port (default 70) to enable
gopher port = -1
; BinkP is disabled by default set to a port (default 24554) to enable
binkp port = -1
max nodes = 4
root menu = main
sysop name = $handle
system name = $bbsname
qwk id = $qwkid
location = $location
hostname = $hostname
enable ipv6 = false

gfiles path = gfiles
data path = data
menu path = menus
message path = msgs
log path = logs
temp path = temp
script path = scripts
gopher root = gopher
netmail semaphore = data/mail.sem
echo -email semaphore = data/mail.sem

echo -e "${GREEN}Please modify talisman.ini to your liking. See for details.${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}then run ./servo to start the BBS..${NC}"

All you need to do is download the install script, execute it in your desired location ((which will create a directory named talisman in that location)).

Download Linux version