seclevels.toml contains an array of security level definitions.
name = "Standard User"
sec_level = 10
mins_per_day = 120
timeout_mins = 10
bulk_msg_allowed = false
can_delete_own_msgs = false
can_delete_msgs = false
invisible = false
The Attributes
- name A name to define the security level. Optional default: Unknown Name
- sec_level The security level being defined. Required
- mins_per_day The number of minutes per day a user on this security level is granted Required
- timeout_mins The number of minutes a user can idle for before they are disconnected Required
- bulk_msg_allowed If a user of this security level is allowed to send bulk mail via the index reader Optional default: false
- can_delete_own_msgs If a user of this security can delete messages in ANY AREA that they have written. Optional default: false
- can_delete_msgs If a user of this security can delete ANY MESSAGE in ANY AREA. Optional default: false
- invisible If a user of this security should be considered invisible to call logs. Optional default: false